Well, a great deal has occurred over the last few months to interrupt our RV lifestyle. In a short summary, I'll bring the blog up to date and will add more detail later. In short, we had returned to South Texas for a visit on the way to Yuma where we were going to winter and where I was going to have some dental work done. While in South Texas, I decided to have the dental work done in Nuevo Progresso, Mexico instead of traveling to the border near Yuma. Nuevo Progresso is near McAllen, Texas not too far from where Carmel has family.
Then, out of the blue I received an invitation to return to work for a year and to return to Iraq on an assignment supporting the military. I won't go into detail other than to say I accepted the offer, went for some required training and packed for mobilization. There were delays in the awarding of the actual work, so I kept busy on the payroll working on some administrative functions and planning for implementation of my phase of the contract work. To make a long story short, the military decided to award the project to another contractor and after a period of time "waiting on the bench", I have gone off the payroll again and am preparing to hit the road, returning to our fun life of traveling America's back roads. I enjoyed very much the time back with my old employer. I was able to renew many old friendships, meet and make some new friends, and was very proud to wear the Fluor badge again. You never know, I might still be called back for an adventure and I'm packed and ready if the call comes in. But, in the meantime, there is so much of the U.S. and Canada that we want to explore, we are anxious to get back on the road.
Carmel l has had some real quality time with her family while in Texas, so the stay has been good.
We have also adopted a puppy from the Houston SPCA who will be traveling with us. her name is Leah, and she is a hand full. She likes Carmel better then me...but what's new ?
I am finishing up my dental work in Mexico and have been very pleased with the work done and the professionalism of the dentists.
At present, we're parked at the Llano Grande RV Resort in Mercedes, Texas. It's a great park. More on the park later.
Tightrope or tight rope? NM
6 months ago
Hi Sayres, thanks for keeping such a great blog! I am a student at UC Berkeley and I'm producing a project (my masters project actually) about medical tourism at the US/Mexico border -- I see you recently had some dental work done? I'd love to talk with you about it, I can be reached at duthie.heather(at)gmail.com